CyberTech Awareness Program

Making Cybersecurity Accessible Through Outreach and Education

SEC-110: Cybersecurity Fundamentals Dual Enrollment Course

Ever wonder how hackers break into systems, or how you can stop them? In our Cybersecurity Fundamentals course, you’ll step into the shoes of both the defender and the hacker to understand the ins and outs of digital security. This course isn’t just about learning theory. You’ll learn through interactive scenarios that simulate real cybersecurity challenges, preparing you to think like a security expert. Find out how to register here.

Women in Cyber Summit

All of the resources we mentioned during our presentation at Champlain’s Women in Cyber Summit on 11/3 can be found here.

High School Internship

Champlain College is proud to host several internship opportunities for high school students. The CyberTech Awareness Program teaches this program with the guidance of full-time faculty from Champlin College’s Cybersecurity program. See more here.

Our Blog

The CyberTech team is still hard at work to make resources to help the everyday user. These helpful pieces of information will come through blog posts under the Blog section of this website.

Our Extra Materials Section

In this section, we have resources from Working From Home to Online Safety to Technical resources! The information can help you improve your daily tech usage or teach you something new!

About Us

CyberTech Awareness Program (CTAP) is an independent, student-run program aimed at raising awareness of cybersecurity issues and introducing safe computer practices to middle and high schools across Vermont. With the support of dedicated students and faculty from Champlain College, the program specializes in providing engaging presentations, hands-on demonstrations, and other resources to schools to introduce cybersecurity topics and materials that may not be covered in the classroom.

Our Vision

Since the introduction of the Internet in the 80’s and the World Wide Web in the 90’s, the threats to system security continue to increase. Today, over 4.4 billion computers worldwide are connected to the Internet. Common users, including students and their families, utilize the Internet to communicate, learn, and work. While students may be the most comfortable adopting new technology as it evolves, there is a lack of education about how to properly utilize devices and software safely. The youth of today will be the ones to inherit all the advances made in the past century, but they will also be the ones to inherit all the dangers.

The CyberTech Awareness Program is a student-run, non-profit project dedicated to spreading knowledge of security topics that are not traditionally taught in classrooms. Over the past year and a half, the program has been growing in scope and impact in its mission to teach the next generation about cybersecurity. This is done by reaching out to middle and high schools in the Burlington and surrounding Vermont area. Through simple hour-long presentations and hands-on demonstrations about topics that cover two-factor authentication, social engineering, and man-in-the-middle attacks, the CyberTech Awareness program encourages students to practice proper cyber hygiene while sparking curiosity in the cybersecurity field.