GenCyber High School Internships
If you or a student you know may be interested in any of the internships we discussed on stage, please look at our detailed page here.
Highschool Presentation Interest Form
If you’d like us to come to your school to present, please fill out this form.
Blog Posts
To see all of the awesome blog posts that our team has written, look here.
Social Media
We are on Twitter and Instagram @CyberTechVT. Please give us a follow!
Kali Linux Resources
All of the resources on our giveaway USB drives can be found here, if you didn’t get to take one home.
If you’re looking to make your own USB drive of Kali Linux, you can download the Live ISO image here, on their official website, and use a tool like Balena Etcher to push the file onto a USB drive. The flash drive must be at least 5GB in size.
Presentation Resources
We’re still working on moving over the slide decks from our older Google-sites based website. If you’re interested in a specific topic, and can’t wait, please reach out to us!