SEC-110: Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Ever wonder how hackers break into systems, or how you can stop them? In our Cybersecurity Fundamentals course, you’ll step into the shoes of both the defender and the hacker to understand the ins and outs of digital security. This course isn’t just about learning theory. You’ll learn through interactive scenarios that simulate real cybersecurity challenges, preparing you to think like a security expert.

The course will cover system and data security principles. Students will explore the organizational, societal, and global implications of cybersecurity with a focus on ethics, risk management, and adversarial analysis.

This course meets online once a week for interactive hands-on activities followed by an assignment to be completed on your time. If you register through Champlain College and the VT State Dual Enrollment program, you will receive 3 college credits – totally free.

The course is offered remotely with 75 minutes of synchronous instruction per week synchronous, from 6:00pm to 7:15pm (day TBD). The expectation is that all students will participate in at least one ‘field trip’ to Champlain’s Leahy Center for Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity.  This is the only online course we are offering for dual enrollment and we are designing it specifically for high school students and, in particular, students enrolled in technical programs.

  1. Go to Champlain’s Non-Degree Student Registration Form
  2. Go to Create an Account to register for SEC-110-71: Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

3. Fill out your First Name, Last Name and Email
4. Select High School Student from the drop down menu

5. Enter your High School and then Submit the from

6. An email should be sent to the email you registered with in order to create your account password. It should look like this:

7. Scroll down and click CREATE OR RESET MY PASSWORD

8. Click Reset Password
9. Input and confirm your new password
10. Log into your application portal with your email and new password
11. Once in your portal, click START A NEW APPLICATION

12. From the drop down menus select Undergraduate on Campus Course (Non-Degree) and Fall 2024

13. Select Dual Enrollment under the Relationship to Champlain in the dropdown menu

14. Fill out the form with Biographic Information, Contact Information, Ethnicity/Race (Optional), and High School Information
15. Once reviewed, Submit the Application

In order to take this course free of charge, go to the VT State Agency of Education’s Dual Enrollment Page and apply for a voucher. Include the course SEC-110-71, Cybersecurity Fundamentals in your application.

You will need to request a Student account:

Fill out your information and click submit. Once you do, and your account is approved, you will receive further information in your email on how to finish applying for the voucher.

For more information please email